Posted in random thoughts


As I was pondering things in my mind to write a blog about, I began wondering about these blogs. I mean what are they anyway.. I know, I know.. web + log = blog. So, it is a log, too funny.. that just reminds me of star trek.. “captains log, star date seven, it has been weeks since I’ve posted anything as my internet server was down”.. something you’d never hear Kirk say.. yet too eerily reminiscent of the show that gave me the creeps when I was still in diapers. Good thing we call it blog.. which we tend to do in our society.. it takes too long to say the complete names of things anymore as everyone is always rushing about.. in a hurry.. no smelling the roses anymore.. everything is cut down, or abbreviated.. “lmao omg u r 2 funny ttyl” I don’t know about you, but we never learned that in my english classes.. and businesses are no better.. KFC, BK, Mickey D’s.. what happened to taco bell.. oh that’s right.. TB, that’s a disease.. no one would want to eat there. The sad thing is is they get in your head.. for instance have you ever been in a situation where, instead of laughing, you wanted to say lol? But I like blog, better than web log.. too star treky. I then began thinking about what purpose do they serve.. really.. what do they? Is it like letting your best friend, and 500,000 strangers read your journal? You remember journals.. they were what you called your diary after you turned 14, and at least one of them had the phrase “Private Keep Out.” written on it somewhere. So why would we want to post that stuff on the internet for people we don’t even know to see? And why do we find ourselves reading those long ago “forbidden” pages of ones innermost thoughts? Perhaps it has something to do with embedded voyeuristic tendencies.. you know.. those same ones that make you turn your head and slow down your car when you’re driving by the scene of an accident. Or perhaps it’s an innate desire to connect with one another. Whatever it is, I find myself caught in the midst of it.. posting for all to see.. nothing too intimate of course… just daily going-on’s and view points on this or that.. wondering who has seen it, and what they thought.. kind of like being graded on a diary.. half of me expects to see someone comment and say “Punctuation needs work.. see me after class. C+”

Posted in mommy-hood, the munchkin chronicles

infinity + b e y o n d

If 2rocket21307you could use the word typical to describe my son at all, it would be when you refer to the boyish things.. you know.. bugs, dinosaurs, tractors, trains, cowboys, and astronauts. He loves to pretend his cardboard triangle is a rocket.. counting backwards from ten he’ll have it blast-off… so I guess I shouldn’t have been too surprised the other day when after drawing a circle of sorts, he announced it was a rocket.. and then promptly added a couple finishing touches.. voila.. a masterpiece that now hangs in the mommy museum of fine art, otherwise known as the refrigerator.

(Rocket drawing by Munchkin King)