Posted in mommy-hood, the munchkin chronicles

save the dinosaurs

I should realize by know that typical is a foreign thing to my son, reacting to him as vinegar does to oil.. the two just don’t mix. I was reminded of this yet again when tonight, as he is falling asleep, he begins to ask me “what would happen if real live dinosaurs…” I cut him off mid sentence, not wanting him to finish the thought of real live dinosaurs doing anything, and therefore setting himself up for a nightmare. “Real live dinosaurs don’t exist anymore honey.” I tell him. Thinking that this will be a relief and that he can now sleep easy. “why?” he asks “because they are all dead honey.” I answer. “What did the humans do to the dinosaurs to make them all dead?” He asks in a somewhat curious yet disgusted at the human race tone.. I can see it now.. my boy working for greenpeace, starting a save the dinosaur campaign. I, of course, answered him with the most scientific answer I could, having experienced this whole “why” line of questioning on other topics before.. “I don’t know sweetheart, I don’t know.” With that he was satisfied and fell asleep rather easily. I know that humans didn’t do anything to make all the dinosaurs dead, but I bet if they had still been around to share this planet with humans, humans would have done something to kill even them.. like the sort of intelligent virus that we seem to be.

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