Posted in creativeness, daily whatnots, homeschooling

Elements and other things

I cann030ot believe it’s been over two years since I posted. It seems that, as usual, life has been a bit time consuming. I’m not even sure what I’m doing here now. It’s raining. Munchkin King is resting and watching some animated program on the television. In a few moments we will play some board games. We, he and I, were looking through the posts on here a few days ago, and I imagine that’s why I’m here now.. because I missed writing, or because I missed reading what we’d been up to, I’m unsure. Perhaps a little of both. So much has changed, and yet still the same. So where to begin? How about we just start with yesterday, and go from there. Yesterday, Munchkin King participated in his first science class with this local vendor who teaches science in a hands on, fun kind of way. If I had learned Chemistry like this, even in college, maybe it would have stuck! First they blew up a balloon. Then they wrote on the balloon all of the elements that are make up the air around us (or at least the few with the largest percentage). Then they used clay and toothpicks to make a Hydrogen atom. They then acted this out, with the protons and neutrons standing in the middle and the electrons running around like crazy all around them. They then made a Hydrogen atom, and lastly and Oxygen atom. Munchkin King, who loves all things sciencey anyway, had a blast! Next week we learn about molecules.
(photo: fun looking sciency stuff made by Munchkin King)