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Dinosaur Pajamas 2.0

Because sometimes you end up where you started from. Like going home again. Because this journey you took wasn’t meant to take you some place different, but for you to realize who you were, and you were where you were supposed to be all along. And, while I tried my hand a a different style of blog: that deeply meaningful, profound kind, and the semi news articley kind. Neither were the right fit for me. I found myself not writing at all because I didn’t feel I had anything worth saying, or I didn’t have the time for the research. And, perhaps people will read this and think, “well that wasn’t about much of anything,” and perhaps it isn’t. But it is, and will be, a great thing to look back on in a few years to see what was happening in our lives, or going through my mind. So it may not be this profound life changing post type blog. But it will be a life blog. A my life blog. And with that, I resuscitate Dinosaur Pajamas. It’s good to be home.